Friday, 3 January 2014

Poem Good Looker with last verses Neil Jaycock

At our base camp in Thredbo, on our singing and poetry night, Neil Jaycock entertained us by reading this poem and adding ten verses to this poem relating to Kerry's misfortune.....
Kerry had misplaced her one and only set of car keys early morning before our walk.....

Good Looker by Glenny Palmer
A Thousand Camp Fires: Australian bush verse- past, present, future, 2000 
edited by Royal Agricultural Society, Victoria

I have a place for everything 
And all is in it's place,
But when my hubby's searching
Things just vanish without trace.

He opens up the cupboard door
And says, 'It's not in here'.
I think he's waiting for the thing
To wave to him and cheer.

'It must be in there somewhere,
You just used it yesterday.'
'Nope,' he says with arms still folded...
'Not in here,no way'.

By now I'm getting crabby
'Cause I've got my job to do,
But for the sake of peace
I take up searching too.

I reach inside the cupboard
And I shift a tin to two.
Do you believe in miracles?
The thing comes into view.

And does he hug and kiss me
'Cause the flamin' thing is found?
Not on your life, that's when
He turns the situation round.

He accuses me of hiding it:
'You shouldn't shove it here.'
'I haven't shoved it anywhere-
At least not yet, my dear.'

So now I'm an inventor
And I'm working on a plan
To make a see-through cupboard 
That will liberate my man.

The shelves are all transparent,
Things are set to wave and cheer
Automatically, when
Someone says, It's not in here.'

Verses by Neil Jaycock...

Now you may believe in miracles
You will believe in karma
I have come to Thredbo for the week
A week of walk and talk.

I have given my man grieve
For the things he could not find-
His socks and jocks and other stuff.

But now the foot is on my shoe
Cause I've lost the flamin' car keys
A seven hour arduous drive
Even longer to walk back!